Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Alexander Craig of Rose-Craig 1604-1631
Sonnet To Penelope

When stately Troy by subtill Sinons guile,
And Grecian force was brought to last decay,
Vlisses braue with faire and facund stile,
Achilles Arm's obtained, and went away:
In Afrike yet he was constrained to stay:
For when his friends did taste of Lotus trie,
As Homers works do more at length bewary,
They green'd no more the Greekish soyle to see.
So fares with mee, O most vnhapie mee,
Since I beheld thy faire and heauenlie hew,
The glorious rayes of thy all conquering eye,
My rendering heart and soule did so subdew,
      That for thy sake, whom euer serue I shall,
      I haue forgot my selfe, my soyle, and all.


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